Apakah ia gay, bi atau hanya sekedar pria metroseksual?

Well how can you tell actually?disekitar saya bersliweran pria- pria yang total shopping expensenya 2-3 kali lipat saya. Seriously, and we are not talking about gadget, electronic devices or most updated rock cds, but for perfumes, branded clothing,body grooming products. Surprised? Saya juga. Mereka juga tidak malu-malu memberikan fashion advise buat saya.bah!
Mereka berteman dengan banyak wanita, tapi mengikrarkan diri jadi single but happy,penikmat hidup sejati. They are gentlemen, those type that pull the chair and open the door for you,ladies. Seriously.
But when it comes to question the most basic q; are they straight?well I never want to ask, its their personal life, - I stick to my rule - no judgement

to be continued


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