Dear sista - he's not that into you

January 13, 2009,

I write you as soon as I could. It was nice to hear that you have so much fun with your work and I think you should.

Well about the questions that you asked, you know… the French guy. I might be not the expert, but I have been to where you are now and at that time I did not know the rules too like you now.

But let me share with you, best lessons I’ve got from a great guy friend of mine. Men can be simple and complex, depend on how you see it. They have never been taught on how to express their feelings the right way, unlike women. Well, we love talking, don’t we?. They could not learn from their old men, since they don’t know how to do it either, or their mums, cos these ladies don’t really understand what was goin on in their husbands’ minds.

If a guy really liked you, he would love to be with you, meaning to see you, be around you or just look at you from the corner. Regardless, their age, French or Indonesian, job complexity or other reasons you made up for him. So forget all puzzled words he said, and let’s go back to the basic question: does he make efforts of seeing you?

As they hardly express their likeness to any girl in words, they also find it hard to tell you that they don’t like you. Harsh isn’t? So they will seem very busy to answer your calls, they seem so complicated, mysterious and just not ready for any relationship,. One guy once lied to me that he had sexual problems: losing his feelings after s**. Yeah right, like I would buy that crap. But unfortunately at that time I really bought that, and googled all types of sexual problems with all causes and solutions.

So sista, if he did not call after a wonderful date that you had, sharp and cruel: he does not like you. Forget all the ideas that he lost your number, a car accident, or it is about something you said. Or even if it is true that he lost his confidence when he is around you, would you, really, spend your whole life convincing him instead he convinces you that he is the best for you. Would you? Seriously?

Do not call him, text him, which will give him a second chance to reject you. Just move on, there are just too many cute guys in the pool, and nice ones who deserve wonderful woman like you.

By the way my guy friend name is Greg Behrendt

With love


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