Minimalism - Understanding what matters in my life
Minimalism concept does not only apply to wardrobe capsule, further it is more to someone view in his or her life. keeping what matters to us, and throwing out what we hate, what taking so much space in our life, which actually unimportant. Getting rid of unimportant things in life also giving us space to keep more of what we love and value more, in other words make yourself happier in life.
Clothing is just one example. how many shoes , bags, shirts, skirts, jeans you have? but still you do'nt know what to wear.
How many set of hobbies that you tried and purchased but never actually doing it?
How much time you spent to do things you hate?
I started following this minimalism concept just a week ago. because i thought having a growing toddler is so much a challenge to live in minimalism. I started with simple list below, and I plan to enlarge my list.
Clothing is just one example. how many shoes , bags, shirts, skirts, jeans you have? but still you do'nt know what to wear.
How many set of hobbies that you tried and purchased but never actually doing it?
How much time you spent to do things you hate?
I started following this minimalism concept just a week ago. because i thought having a growing toddler is so much a challenge to live in minimalism. I started with simple list below, and I plan to enlarge my list.
Wish me luck!